Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Wasp Lady

Keeping myself busy while eagerly awaiting my new batch of succulents to arrive. This is my latest piece called "The Wasp Lady".

Autumn Fairy

Out on the hunt with her plant pixie friends. I wonder what they are searching for?

Dragons on parade

This is the first piece of digital art that I've created in 6 years after a very long hiatus.

My little corner of digital art!

After a six year hiatus, I've found my way back to digital art. I've decided to create a blog that is solely dedicated to my digital creations as to not take space away from my succulent blog.

Dragon Lady: A random digital doodle that I did back in 2003.

Morwyn of Freign
: I can't remember why I named it so. This is another piece that I did back in 2003. A Medusa with her little fey friends.